Dinamik Depo

Minimising storage costs and optimising operational processes are just two of the many strengths of Rollex roller tracks. They also include flexible integration into your warehouse system. Whether as FiFo or LiFo rack, 20 kg or 1,300 kg pallets, shelf or floor track, forklift, RBG or manual lift truck operation – the application variants are practically unlimited.

FIFO – continuous flow racks

Rollex implements the FIFO principle with continuous flow racks. The Rollex system is characterised by top quality in processing. The track modules are preassembled at the factory. The carrier rollers generally only need to be inserted into the modules. The time saved reduces assembly costs and the possible costs during service and repair work.

The goods are stored in a mobile fashion on carrier rollers and transported to the removal position without additional energy – simply with gravity.


  • Easy monitoring of shelf life data
  • No IT control; the principle is self-operating
  • Short control pathways when picking orders
  • Space savings in comparison with other storage systems
  • Optimum utilisation of shelf area
  • The spatial separation of the feed and removal optimises work procedures and area utilisation
  • Permanently high fill level on the removal side: The goods continue rolling on their own after removal

LIFO – push-back racks

In push-back racks, up to six pallets can be stored one after the next. The speed of operation depends on the operating unit (generally a forklift). Brake rollers or brake carrier rollers can also be used.

Push-back racks work on an LIFO principle. That is, the goods stored last are the first to be removed. Up to six 1000 kg pallets can be inserted into the channel using a forklift. Separation and braking is generally not necessary – resulting in significant cost advantages over continuous flow racks.


  • Optimum space utilisation
  • The loading and removal from one side makes it possible to position the shelves against the wall of the building.

Please visit www.rollex-group.com for further information.